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Parapet barrier on fly-over bridge too low

Reported via desktop in the Structures (eg bridges, fencing, noise barriers) (NH) category anonymously at 18:53, Wed 11 November 2020

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2383040.

I’d like to contact you about the fly-over bridge that forms part of the northern part of Ditchling Road, Brighton, that goes over the top of the A27 at Old Boat Corner and meets Coldean Lane. I’ve been advised by the Highways Department of Brighton & Hove City Council that it is owned by you. The reason i wish to contact you about it is that i consider the side parapet or barrier on each side, by the pavements strips, to be very low considering pedestrians can walk either side of the road. I sometimes cross the bridge as a pedestrian and the parapet is low and the drop onto the A27 below is very high. I notice the parapet barrier on the other bridge, close by to the West, that forms the northernmost part Carden Avenue, that crosses the A27 to Coldean Lane is a lot higher and safer for pedestrians but the drop to the A27 is a lot lower. In terms of the parapet on the bridge on Ditchling Road I’d like to ask you to raise it higher in the safety of walkers. Sometimes i've walked across the bridge using the pavements and had to share the space with pedal cyclists who, besides the fact that they should be on the road, rush by at speed with no thought for the pedestrians. Please could you let me know your thoughts. Many thanks.

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